Why do I write only the Limbic System and not its different parts? The answer is that I consider our knowledge of Limbic systems and their different parts to be limited, not least how the different parts (in synergy) interact.
Also, why do I write Limbic/Spatial and not Visio-Spatial? The reason is that I will not limited myself to just the visual part and also will highlight the important to argue for what we usually mean with psychological behaviors concerns both Neocortex and Limbic systems where Paivio´s Dual Code (Dual-coding theory – Wikipedia) arguments have high relevance for human information processing (verbal code), where the Limbic part often not conscious for individuals need to be accounted for (spatial code)!
Simplifies; Human thinking is both rational (serial, verbal code) and spatial (Limbic systems, spatial code), where we based on evolutionary perspective distinguish between spatial , mammalian (Limbic systems perhaps nicer?) and verbal (rational, neocortex).
Why this simplification? Two reasons (perhaps more);
(a) different ideas of how to brain structure the evolution, although interesting I jump this to academic elaborations I will addend.
(b) A focus on important functions, here two different languages (!!), verbal and spatial (somewhat like western and eastern expressions in text). As I see it, this is crucial to understand what we call psychological behaviors. In the past, we missed a lot while believing that human are (just) rational, not realizing the evolution until man! In our brain we do host it (the evolution, see e.g. Toward development of a guide facilitating knowledge and practice-based use of human Limbic systems information processing in general and health care services in particular | Cultural Medicine), the evolution, which has consequences on man! We are not just neocortex, but buildups from the evolution where particularly the mammalian brain (crucial important part of our brain today!), called Limbic system (nicer?) is often dominant part of our human (most of neocortex) brain. How spatial code and verbal code interact we do know not very much! But, most of automatic, habitual behaviors as well as emotional behaviors and memories at large is just Limbic (mammalian) brain “at work”.
Hard? Need not be. My as a humanist, had in the beginning some problems, but thanks to evoltuonary knowledge development I consider evolution as first biological and then (very late!!) cultural!
Moreover, probably is it the Limbic/Spatial code part which may have the capacity to influence physiological processes, even what we call placebo (and its psychological art) see e.g Placebo R&D | Biopsychosocial Medicine
Critical in all human activities is (NB my paradigm!) that there is a continuous interactivity between the Limbic based memory systems and goings on in our life. That is that the interaction is always updated! What it means is very complex, but simplifying, when emotional positive are (state dependent) interacting with goings-on, there is a re-consolidation between goings on and relevant memory activated! What does it means? That (memory activated construct) history influence goings on memory constructions, meaning that, when we (consciously)” connect” for us positive memories to the goings-on, we can re-consolidate the memory of goings-on! Whats that? We can gradually change not only the ”psychological” (here preferably the Limbic) memory part of goings-on but also the ”hardware” of that particular memory! (references coming …)
If you find the above hard .. I do it also! But, much work on this subject may be fruitful! especially for psychologists!
More text needed? Should fore those reading such text for the first time! Try to do so … text coming, I hope ..