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(2023-12-19) Links – questions to elaborate!

GOOGLE How can TMJ patient get increased congestion in their Osteomeatala Complex during sleep?

“Background: Osteoarthritis* (OA) is a leading cause of disability, the most common form of chronic disease in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), and the most severe disease type of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The etiology of TMD is multifactorial, considering parafunctional habits, sleep bruxism, or sleep disturbance as common factors. Insomnia and apnea are the two most frequent forms of sleep disorders in TMD patients. Due to this, the objective of this systematic review was to highlight whether there is currently scientific evidence in the literature describing that patients with temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis (TMJ-OA) are associated with increased sleep disorders or impaired sleep quality. Methods: This systematic review was completed in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) statement and was registered with PROSPERO prior to completion of the main search. Original observational studies that analyze the association of sleep disorders and sleep quality in patients with TMJ-OA were included in the present review. Results: 770 studies were screened by abstract and title according to inclusion and exclusion criteria, and finally, 7 articles were included in the qualitative synthesis and a total of 772 patients diagnosed with TMJ-OA. Conclusions: There is insufficient evidence to indicate that patients with TMJ OA are associated with increased sleep disorders or poorer sleep quality
BvS NB nothing about “increased congestion in their Osteomeatala Complex during sleep”

* “Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. Some people call it degenerative joint disease or “wear and tear” arthritis. It occurs most frequently in the hands, hips, and knees. With OA, the cartilage within a joint begins to break down and the underlying bone begins to change.”


* See also 2-Osteoarthritis picture and text


Below from Google search – NB very much more than what I copied below

Can TMJ cause mucus build up?
The ears, nose and throat are so closely connected that aggravation of the jaw line can result in excessive mucus production. TMJ sufferers often find a decongestant has little impact on their frequent congestion

What are the symptoms of TMJ nerve compression? Ear pain and ringing: TMJ nerve damage may lead to ear-related symptoms such as earaches, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), or a feeling of fullness. Headaches and migraines: Chronic headaches or migraines originating from the temples or around the jaw joint can be a sign of TMJ nerve damage.

How does TMJ affect your sleep? “Recently studies have declared TMJ as one of the causes of sleep apnea. This is because a misaligned jaw joint usually results in an incorrect tongue position with the tongue blocking the airway at night. In this case, treating TMJ can actually treat sleep apnea”

Why is my TMJ worse when I wake up? Waking up with increased levels of jaw pain can be a sign that sleep position is making symptoms worse. How a person positions the body during sleep can affect multiple factors that contribute to jaw pain: Teeth grinding and clenching. Muscle tension and strain in the head, neck and shoulders.

Can jaw cause fluid buildup? Swelling and inflammation usually go hand-in-hand, and blood flow to an affected area increases with inflammation. This can result in a buildup of fluid not only inside the TMJ, but in surrounding tissues.

Can TMJ cause blocked sinuses? Patients with TMJ may also have sinusitis-like symptoms, including sinus pressure and stuffiness. The difference is that TMJ disorder also presents with one or more of the following symptoms that aren’t related to chronic sinusitis: Pain or tenderness in the jaw or at the temporomandibular joint area.

Does lying down make TMJ worse? Laying on your side with a hand under your pillow can also exacerbate the symptoms of TMD. This damaging sleep position creates a misalignment for your head and neck, making TMJ pain very likely. The best sleep position for TMD is sleeping on your back in order to keep your head and neck properly aligned.

Is my pillow making my TMJ worse? If your pillow isn’t supportive or promotes an unhealthy sleeping position, it could increase your TMJ pain. Unfortunately, a bad pillow could be the source of your misery. Many standard pillows leave you with a misaligned spine, which can cause your neck and jaw to experience extra aches and pains.

Can TMJ affect your legs? Since this nerve connects to the spinal cord, it can send what is known as referred pain into the head (causing headaches), down the neck, back, and even into the arms and legs.

Can TMJ cause vagus nerve problems? The vagus nerve (that regulates digestion and the lungs) runs through the TMJ area. When the TMJ is becomes problematic, this can cause heart burn, digestion issues, and other stomach problems. These are not the kind of symptoms that you would normally expect that need TMJ treatment.


Integration of TMJ and ENT? – Google Search

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Can Your Facial Features Indicate TMJ Disorders? | Los Angeles, CA NB SEPTUM dysfunction,septum%20or%20crooked%20nose%20appearance.

Facial Features of TMD
”When the jaw and bite are improperly aligned, it is usually noticeable. This misalignment changes the way the facial structure appears. It is not just the jaw and mouth – specific features can indicate TMD potential or an existing disorder. Some of the typical facial features that are noticeable in TMJ disorder patients include:

  • Facial asymmetry. TMD involves an internal imbalance of jaw components, but it does not stay internal. The imbalance can be noticeable as facial asymmetry, with jaw bulges and different jaw heights.
  • Poor cheekbone structure. If the cheekbones look sunken, it can be due to poor jaw structure, changing the cheekbone prominence.
  • Eyes look tired. When the cheekbones are less prominent, the eyes can look tired. There is a higher chance of eye bags and sunken eyes that appear tired.
  • Crooked nose. The asymmetry that occurs with TMD can affect the nose, especially the septum. Many patients with TMD have a deviated septum or crooked nose appearance.
  • Retruded lower jaw. One of the key facial features of TMD patients is a weak chin or retruded lower jaw. This contributes to the symptoms of TMD and sleep apnea.
  • Crooked or uneven teeth. Dental or orthodontic disorders can cause TMD, but TMD can also contribute to crooked or uneven teeth.

Parotid Lymphadenopathy Is Associated With Joint Effusion inNon-Neoplastic Temporomandibular Disorders – PubMed,joint%20effusion%20in%20TMJ%20disorders.

TMJ swollen nose – Google Search  

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TMJ Disorders and Tinnitus: Relationship and Treatment


Tinnitus, tmj connectipn with osteomeatala complex – Google Search

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Temporomandibular joint – Wikipedia NB one picture




Temporomandibular joint – Wikipedia NB nerves that influence TMJ,Nerve%20supply,trigeminal%20nerve%20(CN%20V).

BvS-> Above is very little on congestion in the Osteomeatala complex – below I try to get more links … coming ..