Material-länkar om ultra ljud, nerv blocking mm och InflammAging, …

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-> OBS börjar med text från Bragee Medtec AB
”Anastasios Michos är specialistläkare i radiologi, som länge har engagerat sig i avancerad användning av ultraljudsteknik och de behandlingar som kan utföras med hjälp av den.

Sedan en tid är han verksam på Bragée Medect och bygger nu upp en unik verksamhet.

– Bragée och jag kommer från olika håll och nu går vi tillsammans mot målet – att få till det bästa för patienterna.

Med avancerat ultraljud i kombination med magnetröntgen, så kallad ”magnet/ultraljud fusion” öppnas helt nya behandlingsmöjligheter för olika smärttillstånd. Inflammerade nerver och till exempel diskbråck behandlas och läka ut efter ”minimal invasive treatment”, det vill säga minimalt invasiva ingrepp, som kan göras på plats och är klart efter ca 15 minuter.

Det avancerade ultraljudet kan också användas för en screening av kroppens organ, en hälsoundersökning, för att kontrollera att inga avvikelser finns. Att erbjuda sådana ”Hälsopaket” till har varit av de första stegen i uppbyggnaden av verksamheten, vid sidan av de patienter som kommer på remiss för specifika undersökningar.

Anastasios Michos är pionjär för metoden i Sverige … rekommenderar att läsa vidare på länken ovan


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Ultrasound for peripherial nerve blocks

To see nerve phatology

Nerve blocks, Hopkinsmedicine

Role of ultrasound in evaluation of peripheral nerves – PMC

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Below just moved to (will be shortly removed from here)


InflammAging and molecular biology

InflammAging, cytokines, …

Quantum michrocondria

InflammAging and Quantum – Thermodynamics and Inflammation: Insights into Quantum Biology and Ageing
”Abstract: Inflammation as a biological concept has been around a long time and derives from the Latin “to set on fire” and refers to the redness and heat, and usually swelling, which accompanies injury and infection. Chronic inflammation is also associated with ageing and is described by the term “inflammaging”. Likewise, the biological concept of hormesis, in the guise of what “does not kill you, makes you stronger”, has long been recognized, but in contrast, seems to have anti-inflammatory and age-slowing characteristics. As both phenomena act to restore homeostasis, they may share some common underlying principles. Thermodynamics describes the relationship between heat and energy, but is also intimately related to quantum mechanics. Life can be viewed as a series of self-renewing dissipative structures existing far from equilibrium as vortexes of “negentropy” that ages and dies; but, through reproduction and speciation, new robust structures are created, enabling life to adapt and continue in response to ever changing environments. In short, life can be viewed as a natural consequence of thermodynamics to dissipate energy to restore equilibrium; each component of this system is replaceable. However, at the molecular level, there is perhaps a deeper question: is life dependent on, or has it enhanced, quantum effects in space and time beyond those normally expected at the atomistic scale and temperatures that life operates at? There is some evidence it has. Certainly, the dissipative adaptive mechanism described by thermodynamics is now being extended into the quantum realm. Fascinating though this topic is, does exploring the relationship between quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and biology give us a greater insight into ageing and, thus, medicine? It could be said that hormesis and inflammation are expressions of thermodynamic and quantum principles that control ageing via natural selection that could operate at all scales of life. Inflammation could be viewed as a mechanism to remove inefficient systems in response to stress to enable rebuilding of more functional dissipative structures, and hormesis as the process describing the ability to adapt; underlying this is the manipulation of fundamental quantum principles. Defining what “quantum biological normality” is has been a long-term problem, but perhaps we do not need to, as it is simply an expression of one end of the normal quantum mechanical spectrum, implying that biology could inform us as to how we can define the quantum world.”

Inflammation at cell levels

Cold-InflammAging …

Testosteron decrease in Inflammaging

Immunosenescence: molecular mechanisms and diseases | SignalTransduction and Targeted Therapy

Inflammation and aging: signaling pathways and interventiontherapies | Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy
”Also influence coherence in enzymatic functions?
”“Aging is characterized by systemic chronic inflammation, which is accompanied by cellular senescence, immunosenescence, organ dysfunction, and age-related diseases. Given the multidimensional complexity of aging, there is an urgent need for a systematic organization of inflammaging through dimensionality reduction. Factors secreted by senescent cells, known as the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), promote chronic inflammation and can induce senescence in normal cells. At the same time, chronic inflammation accelerates the senescence of immune cells, resulting in weakened immune function and an inability to clear senescent cells and inflammatory factors, which creates a vicious cycle of inflammation and senescence. Persistently elevated inflammation levels in organs such as the bone marrow, liver, and lungs cannot be eliminated in time, leading to organ damage and aging-related diseases. Therefore, inflammation has been recognized as an endogenous factor in aging, and the elimination of inflammation could be a potential strategy for anti-aging. Here we discuss inflammaging at the molecular, cellular, organ, and disease levels, and review current aging models, the implications of cutting-edge single cell technologies, as well as anti-aging strategies. Since preventing and alleviating aging-related diseases and improving the overall quality of life are the ultimate goals of aging research, our review highlights the critical features and potential mechanisms of inflammation and aging, along with the latest developments and future directions in aging research, providing a theoretical foundation for novel and practical anti-aging strategies.”